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Jul 1, 20245 min read
Parshat Korach: On echo-chambers. polarisation and the importance of arguing well
Everywhere you go in Israel, you will see the sign "יחד ננצח" - together we will win. Many speak about the imperative to unite and speak...

Jun 25, 20245 min read
Shelach Lecha: Falling in Love Again
For several years before October 7th, we had fallen out of love with our people and our land. As the Israeli singer Hanan Ben Ari implied...

Jun 19, 20248 min read
Parshat Beha’alotecha: The possibility at the heart of Crisis
Bnei Yisrael are ready to enter the land. The men have been counted for battle. The tribes are encamped around the Tabernacle. The...

Jun 5, 20248 min read
Parshat Bamidbar: The hostages or the war?
There are many today who frame our current reality as either/or. Either the hostages OR the War. Either we save those suffering...

May 29, 20248 min read
Parshat Bechukotai: Is the model of sin and punishment still relevant today?
What is religion? We tend to think of being religious as having belief in and being dependent on God, but I would argue that much like...

May 21, 20245 min read
Parshat Behar (Bechukotai): What sits at the heart of an ethical society?
The parshiot of Behar-Bechukotai are often read together, but as this year is a leap year they are read separately. However, there is a...

May 9, 20249 min read
Parshat Kedoshim: On Antisemitism, Spinoza, Holiness and the Modern Days of Awe
Many people have been pondering the connection between the woke movement in America and fundamentalist Islam. How have they made such...

Apr 19, 20241 min read
Pesach: On Hidden Miracles and Righteous Women
In this video blog on Pesach, in light of the last week, I explore the idea of our relationship to miracles - both in the Bible and today...

Apr 3, 20247 min read
Parshat Shemini: How are we meant to draw close to God?
Sefer Vayikra provides answers to difficult theological questions. How do you come close to a transcendent being? In what way can we...

Mar 21, 20247 min read
Sefer Vayikra: On The War, the Hostage Families and the Jewish Legacy of Hope
Since the start of the war, Galatz (the army radio station) end their morning broadcast by naming one of the hostages and inviting a...

Feb 15, 20246 min read
Parshat Terumah: I Give therefore I Am
AT the start of the war one day I came home to find that my 7 year old had found a box and spent hours decorating it, writing a message...

Jan 22, 20243 min read
Parshat Beshalach: The women who dare to hope, in those day and in ours
בזכות נשים צדקניות ישראל נגאלו ישראל ממצרים Yes, in the righteous women’s merit we were redeemed. They are the women of faith, not...

Jan 10, 20246 min read
Parshat Vaera – Standing on the Shoulders of Giants
When I went to visit the shiva of Amichai Oster ז"ל, the beloved son of Marcy Oster, one of my long term students, his fellow army unit...

Jan 4, 20246 min read
Parshat Shemot: The Secret Weapon of Jewish Survival
Stephen Fry, one of Britain’s most beloved actors who had never been particularly vocal about his Jewish identity, spoke out against...

Dec 8, 20235 min read
Parshat Vaeshev: Yaakov, Yosef and Liminal Space
A father and a son. Two narratives. Two cases of complex identity development. One parallel narrative of liminal space. One occurs in...
Dec 4, 20231 min read
Why the progressive liberal left isn’t sympathetic to Israel’s pain
Why the progressive liberal left isn't sympathetic to Israel's pain | Tanya White | The Blogs (

Nov 22, 20236 min read
Parshat Vayetse: Stairway to Heaven
It’s become an iconic image – one that has lent itself over many years to artistic representation by some of the most renowned artists...
Nov 18, 20233 min read
Surviving Trauma: Different models
There is so much we can learn, at this moment, from Yitzchak's household that we read in this week's parsha. Yitzchaks household lives in...

Nov 9, 20235 min read
Parshat Chayei Sarah: When Survival Trumps All
Rabbi David Hartman expresses his definition of a religious ideal: “Become a religious person who can live with ambiguity, who can feel...
Oct 25, 20235 min read
When Words Betray
I’ve always found words cathartic. When I have been going through the worst periods in my life, I’ve written for myself, for others, for...
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